Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hill Names: Revelry and Birch Run

My computer dictionary says Revelry means:
lively and noisy festivities, esp. when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol
Until I looked it up, I thought it had something to do with bugle calls in the military, but that is spelled differently. Years ago, Revelry used to be the Nastar racing hill. When night skiing came along, it became home to the league races, and didn't the name certainly fit? At that time, Birch Run was a closed and fenced black diamond run between Revelry and Smooth Sailing. In 1993 the blue "Dories Bowl" chair was replaced with the current 4-person red chair. Dories Bowl and Revelry were reworked and the trees between Revelry and Birch Run were removed. The racing hill was re-christened Birch Run, and is now a wide, rolling, beautiful blue square run. The talking point is, Revelry still appears on the signs and maps! I really can't tell for sure where it is on the hill, but when you find it, let's take a run together!

1 comment:

  1. Revelry is now the Terrain Park....and Dories Bowl is on the right (from the top of the hill). Ha, you have given them one of the names of the 3 hills in my post on Twilight Zone!
